Fly Fishing with a Dog on the River

Montana Casting Co. Blog

Fly Fishing Know-How, Tips, and Stories

Fly Fishing Tips and Tricks

Golden Retriever Sniffs a Trout Caught While Fly Fishing

Lessons From a Fish Dog

A day of fly fishing in the mountains...  Lincoln, our eighty-five-pound golden retriever and official Montana Casting Co. Gear Durability Tester, learned long ago the meaning of an engine growling to...

Attending Women's Fly Fishing Clinic at Hidden Canyon Lodge

Reflections on a Weekend Fly Fishing Among Women (Part 3)

Note: This is the third in a three-part series on a women's fly fishing clinic that took place in April of 2024 on the Upper Missouri River. Need to catch...

The Women's Fly Fishing Clinic at Hidden Canyon Lodge

Reflections on a Weekend Fly Fishing Among Women (Part 2)

Note: This is the second in a three-part series on a women's fly fishing clinic that took place in April of 2024 on the Upper Missouri River. Need to catch...

Women's Fly Fishing Clinic Participants at the Missouri River

Reflections on a Weekend Fly Fishing Among Women (Part 1)

The Women’s Fly Fishing Clinic at Hidden Canyon Lodge Stepping into Hidden Canyon Lodge on a cool April evening, the first sensation I felt was one of warmth. A fire...

Woman Casting a Fly Rod

Getting Hooked on Fly Fishing

The Little Brookie that Flew - A Fly Fishing Story by Hannah Dreesbach I was in elementary school when my father first put a fly rod in my hand. We...

Fly Fisherman Magazine is featuring Montana Casting Co. fly rods

Fly Fisherman Magazine is Featuring Montana Casting Co.

Fly Fisherman Magazine is featuring Montana Casting Co. and our Warm Springs Fly Rod in its April-May 2024 Issue! Fly Fisherman loves gear with a story behind it, and Montana...

Fly Rods by Montana Casting Co. - the Craig, the Dearborn, and the Warm Springs

How We Named Our Fly Rods

Every Montana Casting Company fly rod carries a small reminder of the places and moments that shaped us, both as fly fishers and people.